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Subject: Re: MS-DOS Kermit, more capabalities
From: cangel@famvid.com
Message-ID: <Sntg4.4435$NU6.161022@tw12.nn.bcandid.com>
Organization: bCandid - Powering the world's discussions - http://bCandid.com
Date: Mon, 17 Jan 2000 00:29:38 GMT
To: kermit.misc@columbia.edu
On 1900-01-16 jrd@cc.usu.edu(JoeDoupnik) said:
JD>Newsgroups: comp.protocols.kermit.misc
JD>In article <4Iag4.2679$NU6.52105@tw12.nn.bcandid.com>,
JD>>cangel@famvid.com writes: On 1900-01-14 jrd@cc.usu.
JD>edu(JoeDoupnik) said: >
JD>>JA> WATTCP and Kermit's TCP stack parted company many
JD>>JA> Moons ago. they
JD>>JA> are hardly compatible anymore.
JD>>JD>>CA> Did the author of WATTCP assist when the code _was_
JD>>JD>>CA> used many moons ago
JD>>JD>>CA> or was it a `maintainer' of the code?
JD>> JD> Please read what we said.
JD>> I did read what "we" said. "Parted company" in the USA implies
JD>> that there was some unpleasantness in the separation. The word
JD>> "hardly" implies that there are similarities in the code.
JD>>JD> Erick donated his code, bless him, I rewrote from that
JD>>JD> point forward. A fork in the road.
JD>> Possibly a more specific answer to the question would aid in my
JD>> being able to understand the answer. "Parted company", "hardly",
JD>> and "fork in the road" are poetic but not in any way
JD>> specific. In a technical discussion they are no answer at all.
JD> You infer too much, and incorrectly. Why you pursue this point is
JD> beyond me, and my suggestion is don't.
JD> Joe D.
I am forced to `infer' because the replys are vague.
I am beginning to wonder why I pursue this myself. I can't seem to get
anything useful as a result.
I'm not sure if the `team' is unable or unwilling to give direct answers
to direct questions and I don't think I really care to take the time to
find out.